Do you live, work or play in the City of Belmont? Have your say on how ‘friendly’ Belmont is as people age. All survey participants will go in the draw to win a $200 Shopping voucher.

We want to ensure that everyone continues to feel valued and able to contribute and participate in community life. Your views will help us develop our new Age Friendly Belmont Plan.

If you have any difficulty in completing this survey online, please contact us on 9477 7149 and we will assist you.

How would you describe your gender? Required
Do any of the following apply to you? Please tick all that apply. Required
Please indicate if you would like to register with the City of Belmont for any of the following. Please tick all those that apply: Required
Please select the option that best applies to statement. Required
All the time
Most of the time
None of the time
Not relevant or don't know
When I am in the City of Belmont, I can easily get the places I want to using roads, public transport, and pedestrian crossings.
The activities and events I wish to attend are accessible, conveniently located and held at suitable times.
City spaces (e.g. parks, park benches and footpaths) and buildings (e.g. community centres and library) are easy to access and move around in for me.
As an older person I am included and treated with respect within the community.
The City’s information about services and activities is clear and easy to understand and I can access this in a way that suits me.
There are variety of housing options available in the City of Belmont to meet my needs as I age.
There are opportunities for me to be involved in clubs, committees and to volunteer in my community.
I can access and afford the health services and support I need to look after my health and wellbeing in the City of Belmont.
The City contributes to raising awareness for and supporting people living with dementia and their carers.
As an older resident, my input and feedback in City of Belmont matters that affect me is valued.
Which suburb do you live in? Required
How old are you? Required
What are you living arrangements? Required

Enter the draw
