Middleton Park Lighting Upgrades
We’re upgrading the lighting at Middleton Park. This will enhance the park’s amenity for sporting clubs and local visitors.
We’re upgrading the lighting at Middleton Park. This will enhance the park’s amenity for sporting clubs and local visitors.
We're installing solar-powered bollard lights around Tomato Lake to improve safety and accessibility in the early mornings and evenings.
The City of Belmont is currently undertaking a traffic study to identify safety and efficiency improvements to support local accessibility for all road users.
We're exploring ways to improve street parking in The Springs.
Stay up to date on the town planning for the Golden Gateway and Perth Racing precincts.
Enhancing our neighbourhood parks with innovative, inclusive and fun play spaces for kids.
We’re restoring the riverbank and enhancing the public amenities along a section of the Garvey Park foreshore.
We are looking at traffic in the Redcliffe area to improve safety and amenity.
Have your say on our Koort Karnadjil Mya First Nations Strategy.
We're recreating 1.6 hectares of natural bushland to provide habitat for local fauna and create ecological linkage between the wetlands in Garvey Park.
We've received funding from the WALGA Urban Greening Grant program to increase trees in local parks
We're reviewing our Community Safety Strategy to create a safer community.
Share your thoughts on the proposed differential rates.
We're developing a new Urban Forest Strategy to support a greener City of Belmont.
A lighting trial project in five sporting reserves this winter.
A new public artwork is coming to Belmont Hub by award winning artist Yondee Shane Hansen
We're preparing our town planning policy for short-term rental accommodation within the City of Belmont.
To help create a community where anyone of any age feels welcome and included, we want to understand how ageism may present itself in the City of Belmont.
We're exploring future opportunities at the Peet Park Community Centre.
In 2024 the City of Belmont will be implimenting traffic calming measures along Bulong Avenue and First Street.
We’re undertaking stabilisation works the riverbank and enhancing the open space along The Esplanade foreshore in Ascot.
The City of Belmont is exploring opportunities to enhance the trail network at Garvey Park, Ascot.
We're updating our Planning Strategy for activity centres, such as retail and industrial areas, within the City of Belmont.
Find out more about the Stanton Road traffic calming measures.
We are seeking feedback from the community on our Environment and Sustainability Strategy
Help shape the future of the City of Belmont by taking part in our scorecard surveys.
The City of Belmont is planning to change the time of Ordinary Council Meetings in 2024 from a 7.00pm start to a 6.30pm start.
We're renewing the lake infrastructure and enhancing the surrounding area of the Faulkner Park ornamental lakes.
Share your thoughts on the proposed differential rates.
The City of Belmont invites you to share your thoughts on how we engage with you.
The City of Belmont is seeking feedback on it Economic Development Strategy.
We are looking at the future of the Abernethy Sporting Precinct to ensure it meets the needs of our clubs and wider community.
View the Local History Photographic Competition Gallery and vote for your favourite entry!
The City of Belmont is installing new outdoor exercise equipment at Redcliffe Park.
The City of Belmont is reviewing the design and function of the Belvidere Street Shopping Precinct, with a key focus on pedestrian spaces, transport, access and activity.
We are undertaking a review of our wards and Councillor representation as part of the State Government’s Local Government Reform and invite public submissions.
The City of Belmont is seeking community feedback on its draft Public Open Space Strategy.
Our strategy for streetscapes that are safe, sustainable, and provide for all users.
The City of Belmont is seeking community feedback on its draft Recreation Strategy.
The City of Belmont is seeking community feedback on its draft Community Infrastructure Plan.
A major upgrade for this iconic facility, home to a range of recreational and community-based activities.
Take our short survey to provide valuable information about the role and impact of the library and helps us to ensure that our future plans support community needs.
Learn more and apply to join the City's Good Access is Good Business program.
The Recreation Facility Needs Analysis will help plan for future provision, development and management of sporting facilities, and assist long term financial planning.
Vote for your favourite entries in the Local History Photographic Competition.
Enter your photo for a chance to win a $500 cash prize.
Take part in the broad community engagement project that aims to understand community aspirations for the future use of the Belmont Trust site.
The City is transitioning to a three bin kerbside collection system, including the rollout out of a Food Organics, Garden Organics (FOGO) bin.
Your thoughts were used to assist the City in developing the Strategic Community Plan.
A review is currently being undertaken of the City of Belmont Local Planning Strategy (inclusive of associated Sub-Strategies) and Local Planning Scheme.
Great Eastern Highway Urban Corridor Strategy
As we review our Sustainable Transport Plan, we want to hear how you use sustainable transport in our City and what improvements you’d like to see.
Located around Redcliffe and Perth Airport, Development Area 6 (DA6) is a significant redevelopment area in the City of Belmont.
We want your input on the revised Vision Plan and Implementation Strategy for DA6.
Our long term vision to reinforce the precinct as the centre of the City of Belmont
Belmont Connect is the City's engagement platform which offers a meeting place for you to share your ideas with us on important issues to help us with decision making.
Phone | (08) 9477 7222 |
belmont@belmont.wa.gov.au | |
In writing | 215 Wright Street, |