About the Strategy

Why a First Nations Strategy?

Our community have shown a clear desire for us to go further in embracing and celebrating local First Nations culture, and supporting First Nations peoples to progress key social and economic issues.

That's why we've co-designed our Koort Karnadjil Mya First Nations Strategy with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, organisations and businesses.

Koort Karnadjil Mya

In Noongar, the title Koort Karnadjil Mya means Heart, Truth, Voice. These simple ideas underpin a vision for the way the City of Belmont and the First Nations community will work together.

Priority areas

  • Respecting and celebrating

    We will work with First Nations people to increase the awareness, sustainability and celebration of their heritage, language and cultural expression.

  • Empowerment, advocacy, and partnership

    We will support advocacy efforts and the empowerment of First Nations peoples to lead and self-manage action in their own interests, with an emphasis on collaboration.

  • Capacity building

    We will pursue opportunities to support building the capacity of individuals and groups to help address persistent and emerging needs, particularly those within the Closing the Gap - Priority Areas and Targets.

  • Cultural safety

    We will strengthen cultural safety within our organisation and promote its benefits throughout the community.

Community Feedback

We invited the community to provide on the draft report from 30 May 2024 to 27 June 2024.

Community members could provide feedback by;

  • completing an online or hard copy survey,
  • submitting feedback in writing via email or post;
  • or contacting our Cultural Engagement team.

During the community feedback period, we had: