Recreating natural bushland and habitat for local wildlife

We've receiving funding through the Swan Canning Riverpark Urban Forest (SCRUF) Program to transform 1.6 hectares of dry grassland into a bushland habitat for native wildlife.

Taking place over two years, the revegetation project will see a combination of native and locally occurring species planted across the site, providing an ecological linkage between the Garvey Park bushland and wetland areas.

Garvey Park Revegetation Site

The project area has been separated into a series of zones to ensure a diverse mix of native and locally occurring vegetation that will support ongoing enjoyment of the bushland and wetland areas.

This includes a combination of canopy (more than 10m in height), midstorey (between 1m and 10m in height) and understory (less than 1m in height) vegetation species.

A total of 1.6 hectares is included in the revegetation site.

  • Green zone


    Native ground covers and trees, with the ground covers used as understory planting to support the development of the tree canopy.

  • Blue zone


    Extension of our Community Planting initative, which will see native ground covers along with infill planting of trees as part of the restoration of the area.

  • Yellow Zone


    Additional trees will be planted to support our Urban Forest Strategy. This includes 35 litre Eucalyptus rudis and Corymbia calophylla.

  • Red zones

    4,776.53m2 (East zone)

    7,346.92m2 (West zone)

    There'll be minimal changes to these areas. Additional trees will be planted along the path edges for increased shade.

Funding Partners

Garvey Park Ecological Connectivity Upgrade

This project has been funded by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions Swan Canning Riverpark Urban Forest Program and the City of Belmont.