Recreation Facility Needs Analysis Survey

The City of Belmont is currently undertaking a detailed Recreation Facility Needs Analysis. This work will help plan for the future provision, development and management of sporting facilities (reserves and associated infrastructure); as well as assist in informing long term financial planning.

To assist in the preparation of the Recreation Facility Needs Analysis, we invite community members who either live, work or play in the City of Belmont to participate in this online survey.

We are seeking diverse input and your feedback will be valuable in shaping this document.

We are especially interested in your current use of sport and recreation facilities, if they are appropriate and fit-for-purpose, as well as your thoughts on the future provision of facilities within Belmont. For the purpose of the survey, sport and recreation facilities refer to sporting reserves and their associated community centre, sport/ recreation specific infrastructure (e.g practice nets) and river activities.

This research will assist the City to plan for the upgrade and creation of suitable facilities for the benefit of the local community and users both now and into the future.

Recreation is defined as, “Sporting and leisure activities that people engage in for the purpose of enjoyment, relaxation, physical health and wellbeing. Recreation primarily requires physical exertion and can include activities that are:

  • competitive and non-competitive
  • passive and active
  • home based and community based.”

Survey closed 30 June 2022.