Help create a better City of Belmont!

Each year, we invite our community to help shape our future by sharing their voice in the MARKYT® Scorecards.

The Scorecards are run by an independent research company who work with Local Governments across the country. This means our results can be benchmarked against other Local Governments.

The results of the Scorecards help us understand what we are doing well, where we can improve, and what matters most to you and your community.

  • What is the Community Scorecard?

    The Community Scorecard is focused on improving quality of life. The scorecard includes questions in relation to:

    • Overall performance
    • Facilities
    • Services and programs
  • What is the Business Scorecard?

    The Business Scorecard is focused on the City's performance in supporting local businesses. The scorecard includes questions in relation to:

    • Business confidence
    • Place to work or operate a business
    • Services and programs

How did we do in 2024?

Community Scorecard and Business Scorecard Results

Community Scorecard Results

We are leading the industry in 9 categories

When the community rating of our performance was compared with the ratings other Local Governments received from their communities, we received the highest score in nine categories.

Five of these categories were maintained from 2023, including multiculturalism and cultural diversity, openness and transparency, value for money from rates, our website and BeNews email newsletter.

Two of these categories were industry leaders in 2022: Disability, access and inclusion and library services.

Sustainable practices and our Belmont Bulletin newsletter were new additions this year.

Please note: Benchmarking results as at November 2024.

Community priorities

Results from the survey and community feedback outlined the top five areas the community would like us to focus on improving.

This included safety and crime prevention, better lighting in streets and public spaces, improved streetscapes with trees and verges, traffic management and waste management:

Business Scorecard

We are leading the industry in 2 categories:

When the business rating of our performance was compared with the ratings other Local Governments received from their business communities, we received the highest score in two categories.

Please note: Benchmarking results as at November 2024.

Business priorities:

Feedback from businesses showed a continued focus on safety and crime prevention, parking availability and management, and leadership from Council.