Improved lighting for our sporting clubs

We’re upgrading the lighting at Middleton Park, with works set to begin early April and expected to be completed by May 2025.

This upgrade will enhance the park’s amenity for sporting clubs and local visitors, providing better lighting for both training and games.

The current lighting poles will be fenced off, and works will include:

  • Installing new energy-efficient lighting, including new poles and floodlights.
  • Removing one existing light pole and upgrading electrical systems.
  • Digging trenches and laying underground cables for the new lighting.
  • Setting up new switchboards and control systems to power the lights.

The park will remain open for casual use. Visitors are encouraged to be mindful of fencing and exercise caution around the work areas.

The contractor will work to minimise noise, vibration, and dust, and all works will take place Monday to Friday, from 7am to 4pm.