The City of Belmont has created a Community Safety Taskforce with the aim of improving community safety within the City.
The Taskforce is a strategic multi-agency partnership where members at a local level share a collective commitment to improving community safety within the City of Belmont. Members of the Taskforce include State organisations such as WA Police, Department of Communities, the University of Western Australia, the YMCA WA, as well as local stakeholders such as Belmont Forum and Belmont City College.
Complementary to the Community Safety Taskforce, will be the establishment of the community group called the Community Safety Alliance.
The Alliance will comprise elected members and community representatives who will act as the conduit to the community and play an important role in sharing statistics, facts and information and positive initiatives undertaken by the taskforce.
We welcome community participation and your commitment to community safety. If you would like to be be part of future consultation please let us know by signing up below.