

18 September 2019

Golden Gateway Precinct Plan. Click image to enlarge.

Precinct Plan. Click image to enlarge.
Precinct 1: Great Eastern Highway

Commercial uses are encouraged at ground level and above with residential development to occupy the upper storeys.

Precinct 2: Stoneham Street

The primary interface between the Golden Gateway precinct and the Swan River. Development addressing Stoneham Street is to provide an appropriate interface to the Belmont Trust Land to ensure a high standard of visual amenity and surveillance within a mixed use environment.

Precinct 3: Main Street (Daly Street)

This precinct is intended to perform a Local Centre function, anchored by a small supermarket and supported with local specialty shops and restaurants/cafes.

Precinct 4: Resolution Drive

This precinct will be characterised by medium-high density residential uses with the potential for commercial uses at ground level.

Precinct 5: Ascot Kilns

This precinct will be characterised by the historic kilns and landmark chimney stacks that are of considerable State heritage significance. This precinct is the subject of a separate Local Planning Policy and Local Development Plan.

Precinct 6: Racecourse Interface (West)

This precinct will predominantly contain 'townhouse style' and low scale apartment development to ensure that an appropriate interface is achieved for the existing residential neighbourhood of Ascot Waters.

Precinct 7: Racecourse Interface (East)

A mixed use environment enabling lower intensity non-residential and residential development having regard to its location adjacent to the Racecourse.

Precinct 8: Hardey Road (East)

A low-intensity mixed-used environment which will act as a transitional area to low-scale existing residential development within the stables area.