The City of Belmont will host a Special Electors Meeting on Monday 29 April 2024.

Registration and voting at the Special Electors Meeting

To vote at the Special Electors Meeting, attendees must be on the City's electoral roll or owners and occupiers roll.

Verified electors will be given a voting card to use when voting at the meeting. Pre-registration will help streamline this process, and will also assist the City with meeting preparations.

Pre-registration is not essential and attendees are welcome to call the City or register on the night.

Please note pre-registration for the Special Electors Meeting will close on Monday 29 April at 12pm.

Non-electors are welcome to attend the meeting, but will be unable to vote.

Speakers and Questions

The City encourages anyone who wants to speak to a motion or ask questions in relation to a motion to indicate their intention prior to the meeting on the attendance registration form below.

The Presiding Member may choose to give priority to speakers and questions that he has received prior to commencement of the meeting.

Purpose of Meeting

In accordance with section 5.28 of the Local Government Act 1995 (WA) the purpose of the meeting and matters to be discussed as outlined in the received request by electors are as follows:

The City has decided to go into the Stanton roadworks with no traffic modelling, no temporary trial, inadequate community consultation and without Council approval for permanent roadworks. That the City consider an alternative solution, convene a public meeting and create a traffic calming policy. At a Community Meeting held Sunday 10th December,2023, the following 4 motions received overwhelming support for a Special Electors Meeting.

Motion 1:

That the City pause the implementation of permanent traffic calming on Stanton and replace it with a temporary modal filter (e.g. in the form of inexpensive water filled bollards) on Central – at 142 Central, adjacent to the border of Airport land to temporarily restrict airport outbound traffic on Dunreath drive for a 12-month period.

Motion 2:

That prior to the installation of the permanent traffic calming on Stanton, the City convene a community consultation meeting for the purpose of identifying and addressing local Redcliffe resident, school & general community issues and concerns, particularly:

a) the need to identify safety treatments for school drop off and pick ups and permanent safe pedestrian road crossings.

b) the need to deter (non-local & rat run) traffic Airport in & out bound from using Epsom Avenue, Durban Street & Hardey Road

c) the need to stop through (non-local & rat run) traffic problems on Stanton Road, DA6 (particularly Boulder & Bulong) and the West Redcliffe Block*(particularly Morrison, Lyall, Moreing & Victoria)* the West Redcliffe Block being the area bound by Stanton, Tonkin, Great Eastern and Epsom.

d) the need to temporarily close Bulong at Boorn until an application for multi-storey development approval is progressed on Bulong.

Motion 3:

That prior to the installation of the permanent traffic calming on Stanton, the City engages an independent traffic engineering consultant firm to provide traffic management calming options and recommendations that address the issues and concerns raised, that a supplementary community meeting be convened for presentation of the recommendations and public comment on the recommendations.

Motion 4

That Council instruct the City to create a formal traffic management policy that for governance and transparency is publicly available on the city’s website, that the policy reflects the current 2020 Aust Roads City of Stirling guideline version of the warrant system point scoring that establishes an orderly method to assess priority and need for traffic calming.