The City of Belmont invites you to share your thoughts on the proposed differential rates and minimum payments for the 2022-2023 financial year. The overall objective of the proposed rates in the 2022-2023 Budget is to provide for the net funding requirements of the City’s various services, facilities, projects and strategies. The City is proposing to adopt the 2022-2023 budget at the 28 June 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting.
The proposed cents in the dollar and minimum payments are as follows:
Differential Category | Proposed Cents in Dollar | Proposed Minimum ($) |
Residential | 6.9069 | 885 |
Commercial | 7.2951 | 1,040 |
Industrial | 7.3149 | 1,060 |
Read the document outlining the objectives and reasons for the proposed differential rates online or at the City of Belmont Civic Centre, 215 Wright Street, Cloverdale between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday or the Ruth Faulkner Library at Belmont Hub, 213 Wright Street between the hours of 9am and 7pm, Monday to Friday, 10am and 3pm on Saturdays or 1pm and 4pm on Sundays.
Share your thoughts
Feedback on the proposed differential rates can be submitted in a number of ways:
- Online, via the feedback form
- By mail, addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, City of Belmont Locked Bag 379, Cloverdale, WA 6985
- By email, to (Subject line: Differential Rating Submission)
Feedback was invited until 5pm, Monday 20 June 2022.