
City of Belmont commits to FOGO in 2024

10 November 2023

​Veolia ANZ Municipal Manager Rebecca Goodwin and City of Belmont Mayor Robert Rossi standing next to a green FOGO bin outside the City of Belmont Civic Centre

Veolia ANZ Municipal Manager Rebecca Goodwin with City of Belmont Mayor Robert Rossi celebrating the upcoming rollout of FOGO.

The City of Belmont has awarded its new waste management contract which includes a Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) kerbside collection service.

Commencing in early 2024, the three bin FOGO service will deliver better practice waste management, reducing landfill waste and increasing material recovery.

FOGO, the separation of organic waste from general waste, has gained traction in recent years as communities grapple with mounting landfill concerns and is a key aspect of the State Governments Waste Strategy 2030 which requires all local councils to adopt a three bin FOGO system by 2025.

The City of Belmont approved a tender for a contract with Veolia to manage the City’s waste, including managing the transition from a two bin to a three bin FOGO system.

City of Belmont Mayor Robert Rossi shared his enthusiasm for the project.

"This initiative aligns perfectly with our commitment to creating a more sustainable community. A three bin FOGO system will significantly reduce waste to landfill, decrease greenhouse gas emissions and improved soil health with FOGO derived compost.”

The rollout of the FOGO program in early 2024 will involve an education campaign with City of Belmont residents about the benefits of FOGO, provide advice on separating organic waste from other rubbish, and outline how the transition to a three bin system will occur.

“We have around 15,000 households who will have their bin system changed over from a two-bin system to a three bin FOGO system. That involves a substantial amount of planning and engagement with Veolia and local residents.

“We know that changing the way people sort their waste can take time and we are asking our residents to help us reduce landfill and commit to using their third FOGO bin correctly,” said Mayor Rossi.

Veolia ANZ Municipal Manager Rebecca Goodwin commented on the new waste contract.

“Veolia has made a significant investment in its capacity to collect, transfer, and process FOGO, and we expect the introduction of FOGO to bolster the City of Belmont's waste recovery rate.

“City of Belmont residents who embrace their FOGO bins will make a genuine difference to developing a circular economy in WA, reducing greenhouse emissions coming from landfill, and allowing Veolia to produce a high-quality compost for the state’s agricultural sector,” said Mrs Goodwin.

To encourage participation and commitment from residents, the City of Belmont is planning a series of community pop-ups to talk to people about how to sort their waste into the three bin FOGO system.

"We believe that this initiative is not just about waste management but also about building a sense of community and shared responsibility for our environment.

“We hope to see enthusiastic involvement from all our residents as we work together towards a greener, more sustainable future,” said Mayor Rossi.

For more information on the City of Belmont FOGO initiative, visit or the Three Bin System Project Page on Belmont Connect.