We have received a Draft Precinct Structure Plan from Perth Racing to guide the future use and development of their land in and around Ascot Racecourse.

We are now seeking your feedback on the draft Ascot Racecourse Precinct Structure Plan.

This plan will guide future use and development of approximately 61.3ha of land bound by the Swan River, Ascot Waters Estate, Grandstand Road, Resolution Drive, Hardey Road, and Carbine Street, in Ascot.

The Ascot Racecourse Precint Structure Plan designates five precinct areas

Above: The Ascot Racecourse Precint Structure Plan designates five precinct areas


  • Part One: Implementation

    outlines the implementation requirements to be applied when considering land use, development and subdivision proposals.

  • Part Two: Explanatory Section

    Outlines all relevant information that has informed the preparation of the Structure Plan, incorporating material from more detailed technical studies.

  • Technical Appendicies

    A number of technical studies have been prepared to inform the Structure Plan.

Have your say

We want to hear your thoughts on the Ascot Racecourse Precinct Structure Plan. The public comment period is open until Friday 6 December 2024.

You can comment using the form on this page, or in writing to Locked Bag 379, Cloverdale WA 6985.