Goal 1: Liveable Belmont

We are vibrant, desirable and liveable. The City of Belmont will be vibrant with exciting entertainment and dining experiences. The City and residents will provide strong support for community and sporting groups. There is a strong focus on improving footpaths and streetscapes. The City is considered a great place to live

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Level 1
My daughter and her family live in Yomba Street opposite the fenced off cycle park. As if life is not depressing enough at present, they have to look across from their home at this very sad sight. When will this park be back to some sort of child friendly, family friendly, happy place for the community to enjoy, instead of the disgusting mess it is at present. I understand that asbestos is supposed to be present somewhere there? surely by now moves have been made to eradicate this. I look forward to your response.
Level 1
Exercise equipments in the parks are great ideas. I have seen and used them in China as well. They also have body message items. Would like to see more available in other parks.
Level 1
Having lived in Belmont all our lives , we are now retired . & live within the ( city centre) . We find that Approx one eighth of our bin is filled by rubbish that emanates from the old Belmont village & the Belmont tavern , we understand that the council control Belmont Ave down Wright st to Knutsford ave . The Forum look after management of south side of the tavern to the cinema. The whole area most mornings is a disgrace, with rubbish everywhere, more so when easterly winds are blowing . This is even more obvious to visitors to the area as the new civic centre is rapidly nearing completion. The tavern say it’s not their problem, the forum management aren’t interested.council employees that are occasionally seen to clean up the verge on Wright st . Tell me they will only do what they have been instructed to do ie no illegal dumping ect . Hope this helps .
Level 1
There is a need to relax existing beaurocratic red tape and allow for community groups to hold markets, stalls etc. without fees. This creates local centres such as the community garden at Wilson park. Support existing groups and their aspirations and increase community funding.